"The Gematriculator is a service that uses the infallible methods of Gematria developed by Mr. Ivan Panin to determine how good or evil a web site or a text passage is.
Basically, Gematria is searching for different patterns through the text, such as the amount of words beginning with a vowel. If the amount of these matches is divisible by a certain number, such as 7 (which is said to be God's number), there is an incontestable argument that the Spirit of God is ever present in the text. Another important aspect in gematria are the numerical values of letters: A=1, B=2 ... I=9, J=10, K=20 and so on. The Gematriculator uses Finnish alphabet, in which Y is a vowel.
Experts consider the mathematical patterns in the text of the Holy Bible as God's watermark of authenticity. Thus, the Gematriculator provides only results that are absolutely correct."
So, anywho..... Is your site Good or Evil

Well waddayaknow? just 37% away from being a Puritan.
On the other hand let's...
shall we?
Plus there's the fact I scored 670 on the Homeless or Jesus game; that has to count for something, right? Riiight?!
You just never stop amazing me.
Ummm...Jaye? When I clicked on the icon with your posted results, I got this:
http://vanessajaye.blogspot.com/ is
45% evil, 55% good
Shaved a little off the bottom, did we? Hmmm???
Level 8 is reserved for the 'fraudulent', y'know?
How about I send you some of our literature? :-D
I know, Dude, I couldn't belive my 'good' quotient was so high either.... ;-)
Gasp! That thing is live. And, and...You really are a Puritan!! Now it says 29% evil, 71% good! Your last post spread all that icky puritan 'good' stuff all over my blog. :-P hmm, it's too bad it doesn't update itself, but I just migh move it to the sidebar and update it myself periodically.
er, by the way what does you site get? ::off to check::
Well, well, well, your site, Raine, is 49% evil and 51% good. Once again, I'm more pure than the puritan....
Lies! Filthy lies, I tell you!!
It's probably all those mentions of a certain demon-seed on my blog...
Hmmm...so if we talk about EVIL things, the ratio changes??! Wow...
Just kidding, Jaye! I'm sorry to take up so much of your DEMONICALLY POSSESSED blog. That was totally EVIL of me.
Downright SATANIC, actually...
>>Your last post spread all that icky puritan 'good' stuff all over my blog.
To quote raine: BWAAAAAA HA HAAAAAAAAAA I love it. Off to find out how evil my blog is.
Oh Lord! Now you've done it. I dont; want to knwo how evil my blog is. LOL
::sticking pins in Raine rag doll::
Don't bother Cece, we ALL know you're only 27% evil. amateur.
And Sasha is only 25% evil....
I smell a rat. There's no way I'm more evil than you guys. This test must be like those records played backwards, or something.
1% evil, 99% good. i must've done something wrong...
>>There's no way I'm more evil than you guys.
I'm crushed. I can't believe I"m not more evil *sob*
Must. Work. Harder!
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