**** THE PROOF THAT Vanessa Jaye IS EVIL ****

86 65 78 69 83 83 65 74 65 89 69 - as ASCII values
5 2 6 6 2 2 2 2 2 8 6 - digits added
\_____/ \_____/ \_____/ \_____/ \_________/
7 3 4 4 7 - digits added
Thus, "Vanessa jaye" is 73447.
Turn the number backwards, divide by 11 - the symbol of judgment and disorder. The number is now 6767.
Add 7291 to it - this is the year Fidel Castro was born, written backwards - you will get 14058.
Add 1778, the year Oliver Pollock invented '$', the symbol of exploitation, suffering and injustice - the result is 15836.
Subtract 18, the symbol of bondage. The result will be 15818.
Subtract 1288, the year it was made legal for women to propose to men. The result will be 14530.
This, when read backwards, gives 03541. This is 1889 in octal, the year Adolf Hitler was born...
Evil, QED.
And, yet, I have my good side....

:: how jedi are you? ::
....but there are some issues I'm still working on.

What Sort of Weirdo Are You?
**I'll be back with a writing progress post later
Hey.. I'm evil too..
Thus, "canadian dude" is 9513.
Turn the number backwards, and add 1686 - the year Newton published wildly misunderstood "Principia". The number is now 4845.
Turn the number backwards, subtract 1927 - the year Fidel Castro was born. The number is now 3557.
Turn the number backwards, subtract 64 - the year of the Great Fire of Rome. The number is now 7489.
Subtract 4591 from the number - this is the year when first FORTRAN computer program was executed, written backwards. It gives 2898.
Subtract 1666, the year of the Great London Fire. The result will be 1232.
This number, read as octal, gives 666 - the number of the Beast.
This is truly evil. QED.
er, you're not evil *too*, you are TRULY eeeeviiil. You beast, you.
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