
Sunday, September 21, 2014

After yesterday's 10hr sleep-a-thon/end of week exhaustion cash, my day started off great.

Woke up early--cleaned the bathroom, kitchen, washed/deep-conditioned my hair, and did a facial, and started the Bolognese sauce for dinner, all before 9:30am. I had just sat down in font of the computer when I hear some commotion upstairs. Son says there's a wasp in his room.
So I go up, and he's not sure if he got it or not (it's behind the blinds). He also mentions that he killed a wasp in the bathroom earlier in the week and found a dead wasp in his room that same day. All the windows have been shut for the past week because of the temperature dip, and even if they weren't, we have window screens.
Also, kid likes to keep his room door closed (saves my blood-pressure when I don't see the mess) So really don't know how they're getting into his room. So far this morning we've killed(Raid) 4 -5 wasps in his room. I went outside and it *looks* like there are a couple flying around the eavestrough just above his window, but that still doesn't explain how're their getting in.
I've called 3 places so far--either left a message or someone will get back to me. So far no call back and my focus is shot all to hell. *grrr*
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azteclady said...

Oh my good lord, that ain't good!

I'm going to be hoping really, really hard that it's *not* what I think it is...

...or that, if it is that, it's a minor case.

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