Bookish Adventures

Thursday, March 17, 2005

I’ve come to some decisions, re my writing, but that’s for another blog, another day. Today (or rather tonight) I talk about books.

Just finished Steve Nile’s Savage Membrane. A most entertaining book--the main protag is a snarky smart-ass, I loved all the secondary characters, and the story moved at a fast clip. Sort of reminded me of Buffy/Angel, without the cast of millions, and a bit more light weight. Anywho, I did mention it’s $10 and 200 pages, didn’t I? That’s 200 double spaced, large font pages. *sigh*. I can justify the price because the comic book, which the novel draws from, clocks in at $5.50.

I’ll definitely be picking up Book 2 of the Monster Hunter. Here's my favorite sentence from page one: "I was face down in my apartment, experimenting with the adhesive properties of vomit and hardwood floors, when, of course, the phone rang."


Yesterday evening, I found MINOS, Marcos M Villatoro’s second Romilia Chacon Novel, in paperback! I was on page 50 by lunch time. Then this evening, on my way home, I stopped in at BMV to pick up a copy of
The Bone Collector,
and moseyed by the romance books section on my way up to the cash. Don’t know why this book caught my eye,

I guess it looked so *old school* I couldn’t resist. lol, so I pick it up and start scanning the back:

"Beauty and the Beast."

Full stop.

Pulse speeds up. Commence reading:

"All eyes feasted on the beautiful flame-haired" --(snort, what did I tell ya about old school?)-- "gambler in London’s most infamous club. But Julia Prentiss was interested only in the rake-turned-recluse whom they now called 'The Beast'.” Pant, pant, pant, blah, blah, blah,skimskimskim, blah "…An act of heroism had left Morgan burned, scarred for life…." Bingo! That’s it! This book is mine! Be still my heart.

Public confession: I love this shit. I love, love, love, love, love Beauty and the Beast riffs. I love the big ole gruff and jerky hero with the missing eye, hooked hand, half his face burned off, and a bum leg (but that’s okay, he’s got a spare third.... nudge-nudge, wink-wink). And even though he’s ‘withdrawn from society’ and turned into Mr. Broodyass (and, oh what an ass it is!), he’s still so manly, still so devastatingly Alpha, still In Full Possession of all his seductive powers. yum.

So, yeah, MINOS is temporarily put aside whilst I scarf down this little bonbon. And it had bettah be damn good.
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Jordan Summers said...

LOVE that opening line. Too funny. Going to check out the book now.

Sela Carsen said...

I could probably do without the first one, having been privy to ds yakking all over the back seat of the car today. But the Chacon series and that historical sound great. I'm a HUGE Beauty and the Beast fan!! Have you read Robin McKinley yet?

vanessa jaye said...

Hynosis for Beginners, huh? Why does the thought of you reading that book send shivers up my spine, Tony? So have you read the lastest issue of Victoria's Secret? ;-)

Hey, Jordan, ::waving::. The book is a hoot. Could have had a tad more depth, but I totally enjoyed it.

Sela, the first Chacon book was great! I read it a month ago and was dying to get the second book (which was only available in hardback at that time.) No I haven't read McKinley's Beauty yet, It's never in stock when I remember to look for it in the bookstore. But I do have her Sunshine, sitting in my tbr pile.

Anonymous said...

I thought I was alone in missing Beauty and the Beast ...

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