New Beginnings

Sunday, July 04, 2010

I’ve been off work since Thursday and I have the rest of this week off.

I Cannot Tell You How Much This Break Is Needed.

To that end going to try for a re-boot of life in general.

Have made it to the gym every day since Thursday. Which means I’ve gone to the gym more in the pass 3 days than I have in the last nine months. :-/ I’ll be trying my darnedest to keep it up because at my last check-up, I found out I had high blood pressure. First time in my life, but not surprising (given the level of stress at work). Plus doc has been after me to lose 20lbs for years, but he's being kind. I need to lose more like 30-40lbs.

Also finally started on new story. Brand. New. No baggage. No cleaning up, fleshing out, deleting or adding stuff. I did try to write an outline, got a good idea of characters/turning points in the story, but I think I have to write it out some because I can nail down a loose outline.

Will also be spending time with friends, doing some gardening and giving the house a good clean because… damn. ::looks around::

Hopefully will read some good books. Thinking of getting a pedi/mani but I’m doing a spa day with BFF for our birthdays later this month (we were born a week a part), so saving my pennies for that.

Still have fingers crossed on the werewolf story but having my doubts… Anywho, 200 words on new wip and counting. We’ll see what it is by tonight. Here’s to new beginnings!
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azteclady said...

To new beginnings and to changing directions!

vanessa jaye said...

Thanks Aztec! :) I'm definitely feeling more human/normal over the last couple of days.

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