
Wednesday, July 07, 2010

After staying up late again to finish The Enchanted Emporium, I stumbled out of bed still half-asleep in the pre-dawn to turn up A/C and promptly slipped and fell down the stairs. Luckily I fell on my ass (story of my life) and my butt cushioned (yar-har-har) most of the fall but my left foot doesn't like me much at the moment. And its dislike grows more with each passing hour. Not the ankle. More the heel. Anywho, 6 days straight a gym is still pretty good, and I do need to focus on working out some plot stuff.

Btw, speaking of cushioned butts, I saw this ridiculous commerical for the first time yesterday and I laughed and laughed and laughed.

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raine said...

Good Lord, woman, please be more careful!
Hope the foot feels better soon!

vanessa jaye said...

Oh trust me, hon. I'm walking around very carefully these days. lol. The foot still barely takes my foot weight, but it feels much better than yesterday.

azteclady said...

Well, dang... I was all ready to commiserate on the fall and the tender foot (these days, my heels hurt constantly--damn work!) but then I clicked on the video.

Holy booty, Batman! *still snorting*

(but do be more careful, plz)

vanessa jaye said...

Isn't that vid a scream? I was almost wishing one of the models would also sport a bumpit. lol.

Thanks, Aztec. Trust, me, I'm definitely being more careful. I seem to have bad luck with this foot/ankle. :-/

Do you elevate your feet when you get home? That helps a bit after a long day on your feet. I used to work retail in high heels on a terrazzo floor. Surprised I didn't permanently cripple myself. *g* (Or you could also get your sweetie to massage your feet after you've taken your shower. That feels sooo gooood.)

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