Hunter of the Heart: Werewolves of the Caribbean

Monday, January 04, 2010

PBW had this fun link over on her blog (her comic strip is a hoot!) and I thought I'd give it a whirl. *g*

You can click onto the panel for a lager image, but I had a heck of a time loading it to the blog and it came out a bit illegible. Check here for the original webpage.

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raine said...

Oh this is great, lol! :)

the author said...

God, you are so funny. And when are we going to be able to buy this book?

Btw, did you see Jordan's strip?

vanessa jaye said...

Raine - It's a lot of fun, you should do one too! (Or maybe you have by now. Will be over to check in a minute.)

vanessa jaye said...

Lynn- This revision has been a b!tch. But I've got about 20 pages left of the original story to go through, then I'll be writing new material for the changed ending. I *really* want this book done by the end of the month.

I popped over the Jordan's blog. Loved her strip too. *g*

Thank you so much for the link. You've posted some great ones over the years, but I think this is one I'll use over and over.

raine said...

You know me so well, lol!
I did do one (couldn't resist). I wasn't going to post it, but maybe I'll put it up later today. :)

Jordan Summers said...

Vanessa, Very funny. Love his inner dialogue. *ggg*

vanessa jaye said...

Raine - Tease! I just checked your blog again. :-P

Jordan - I wish I had thought of the 'flea bath' line. *g*

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