A favourite from way back

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Sorry for the absence, its month-end at work and crazy time for me, but here's a fun little video.

I grew up watching Happy Days, Laverne and Shirley, Sha-na-na, the Beach Blanket Bingo movies (in Saturday afternoon re-runs) and *gulp* Lawrence Welk Sunday evenings,so when I stumbled across this song while at the iTunes store I just had to get it! (I would've sworn Elvis sang it, but it's still fun to hear.)

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Katrina Glover said...

I've never heard the song - but I like his voice!

Anonymous said...

You can't be that old.

vanessa jaye said...

He has several hits, Kats. I not a fan, per se, but there are songs of his I like.

Hey Dude! You've been keeping a low profile, lately.

Nope. Not old enough to remember when Conway released this. *g* But either my mom played it, or it was on golden oldies, etc. I'd still swear the version I heard was Elvis, but who knows. ::shrug::

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