
Friday, January 02, 2009

Re-writing, or freshening up an old story can be a drag. There's just not the same energy there. It more about editing/revising (can't believe how overwritten my older stuff is!) than creating. I'm really looking forward to writing something fresh/new once I get through with the novella (which seems to be shrinking daily in word count).

Something besides the free Valentine's short story I signed up at Samhain to do.
=:-O Due Jan 20th, that I haven't started yet. =:-O

And jetlag is still beating my ass.

I'm going to head to the gym later this afternoon, I'm determined to drop 25lbs, but aside from that, it's write,write,write revise,revise,revise.

I'll leave you with one of my brother's jokes. He's the King of Corny/Cheesy eyerolling jokes.

Did he tell you the one about the butter? Well, that's because he thought you'd spread it. (yukyukyukyuk)

And there's plenty more where that came from....

Bless him.

Question: How do you kill a circus?

Answer in comments.
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vanessa jaye said...

Go straight for the juggler.

raine said...

Oh that was just SO bad, lol!!! :D

You signed up for Valentine's? Yay for you! :)

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