You know what's really depressing?

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Waking up and going to work in the dark.
And coming home in the dark.
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azteclady said...

I feel your pain--and I hate the whole daylight savings bs. Why oh why can't we just keep our clocks in time with, you know, the actual rythms of sun and seasons?

Are you writing? what are you writing? when does it come out?

Not that I'm impatient or anything, you understand *innocent*

vanessa jaye said...

A.L. - I hate the constant dark more than the cold. And I HATE the cold. :-(

lol. ermm... I am writing. Unfortunately I'm jumping from wip, to wip. But the thing I hope to finish first and hope to sell to Samhain is a werewolf novella.

Thank you for asking. ::grin::

azteclady said...

You know, I'm starting to get why there was talk of cattle prods...

c'mon, woman, finish something else soonest!

Me, want to read!

*tapping foot impatiently*

Cold: I'll pretend to feel your pain, so you can pretend to sympathize when I'm breathing steam for months straight over the summer (Central Floridian here)


vanessa jaye said...

"c'mon, woman, finish something else soonest!"

I'm working on it! Trust me, I don't want a one book career. :-P

"I'll pretend to feel your pain, so you can pretend to sympathize whenI'm breathing steam for months straight over the summer"

Now if only I could pretend to be warm... ;)

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