Working On Edits

Saturday, February 16, 2008

I'm aiming to finish edits by the end of the month *at the latest*.

Since it's a long weekend here in Canada, I'm going to make a concentrated effort to stay off online, out of email and just focus on pushing through as much as possible.
Guess I'll either check in last thing at night, or first thing in the morning.
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Anonymous said...

Yeah. This cartoon says it all, in my opinion.

Gennita said...

Take a BATBREAK from Edits! This is for you and dear Meljean B. You know you're gonna dance to it:


Gennita said...

I don't know what happened there. Let's try again:


Amie Stuart said...

Good luck hon!!!! We've got a three day weekend here too and I'm hoping to get lots done!!!!

Genn...that video was just WRANG!!!

Gennita said...

Ami, You got to admit that was worth stopping edits for, LOL. Seeing Robin do the sex-pout in the car and Batman in the big-ass neon yellow surfing shorts killed me.

raine said...

Best of luck, babe!
Don't forget to come up for air!

vanessa jaye said...

Jill the minute I came across this image I stopped looking. The only thing that's missing is the spindley legs of the author poking out from beneath the Deadline monster. *g*

vanessa jaye said...

LOL, Gennita! I remember watching the episode (in runs) of some of those clips as a kid. That is soooo, soooo, wrong. lol. I sent the link to ds. heh.

vanessa jaye said...

Amie, you've been through this before, so I've no doubt you're going to get a lot done!

vanessa jaye said...

Raine. the boy-child is underfoot, his presence along insures I take (unscheduled ie 'being interrupted') breaks. :-P

How's the edits with you? I thought you were working on some for your upcoming release.

raine said...

How's the edits with you? I thought you were working on some for your upcoming release.

Went through two quicky rounds with my immediate editor (who's now up for sainthood), just waiting for the final edits to come from the head honcho.
Meanwhile, I've gotten caught up in something I have no earthly business working on, lol. What can I say? It grabbed me by the nipple ring and wouldn't let go!
(JUST AN EXPRESSION, btw--no, do not have nipple rings, I'm not a well-coordinated person and I can just imagine an accidental tug...ack!).

vanessa jaye said...

(JUST AN EXPRESSION, btw--no, do not have nipple rings, I'm not a well-coordinated person and I can just imagine an accidental tug...ack!).

Hmmm.... sounds like some Puritan backpeddling to me. humph. ;)

Hey, I'm all for getting caught up in the writing. Better than pulling teeth and fighting for every word. :-/

vanessa jaye said...

oh, and I'm only online because I've been formatting the next behind the book post, in case you were wondering.

raine said...

Hmmm.... sounds like some Puritan backpeddling to me. humph. ;)


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