Edits Are Done!

Monday, February 18, 2008


With all the tweaking, I probably added typos, rather than took them out. (To be honest, I wasn't really looking for them, plus I had all the formating to fix to Samhain house style.) So I'll do one last hard edit on paper *specifically for typos* over the next couple of days, and still send this baby out by the end of the week, thereby meeting my self-imposed deadline!

In the meantime.... here's some signage I made up in celebration of some things you won't be finding much of in this ms, now these edits are done. ::snicker::

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the author said...


So I'll do one last hard edit on paper *specifically for typos* over the next couple of days, and still send this baby out by the end of the week, thereby meeting my self-imposed deadline!

If you don't, Raine and I will come and pry it out of your white-knuckled hands. :)

raine said...

I'll give you until Friday.
Don't let me have to come up there!
(Congratulations, babe!) :D

No "twitching", etc...
You forgot "gazing". ;)
(Raine, running for the hills...)

Jordan Summers said...

Congrats! :)

LOL, it's always fun to see what we repeat over and over and over again. *ggg* I have far too much gazing going on. Snort.

Amie Stuart said...


vanessa jaye said...

If you don't, Raine and I will come and pry it out of your white-knuckled hands. :)

::eyeing bottle of super-glue::

I'll give you until Friday.
Don't let me have to come up there!

erm... yanno, my deadline was the end of the month.... which happens to be next friday. ;-)

Kidding, I'm already working on plot points for Odil & Zoe so I want this mss off my plate.

No "twitching", etc...
You forgot "gazing". ;)

Well now that there's no twitching there's nothing to gaze at. hehehee.

(Congratulations, babe!) :D

Thanks hon! Feelin good. :-D

LOL, it's always fun to see what we repeat over and over and over again.

Jordan: Fun? er, nope. Scary. I'm amazed at the stuff the brain pulls up and throws out over and over again, without you (or cps, beta readers) noticing. Someone might notice a particular pet peeve/hot button, but it's crazy the things that can slip by. :-/

Amie: Now am I not suprise you'd laugh so hard at those pics, Amie.

vanessa jaye said...

And you know what's scary? On chapter one, page one, third paragraph, I this find during the paper edits: "...you're application has been accepted."


Anonymous said...

OMG Sometimes I SWEAR I'm dyslexic--I've found/typed some crazy-ASS stuff. Anyway yes I did laugh. Probably becuase I have a problem with swollen *coughs*

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