Today's To-Do List

Saturday, December 29, 2007

The kid has gone up to his best-friend's cottage for New Years. :D
I'll miss him. :D
Really. :D

So anyways, 4 days of no one breaking my train of thought. Wanting me to listen to the latest music download. Asking if dinner's ready. Wondering if I'd seen his jacket/shoes/keys/wallet, etc.

Which means I can write uninterrupted, or maybe I should say I can "re-create" uninterrupted after last night's jump drive crash. *sob*

1. Finish the current chapter.

2. Have to pop downtown and get my eyebrows done. Cause? Dayum. Looks like two caterpillars approaching a mating dance. (And let's not talk about the 'downiness' of my upper lip. I was supposed to do this stuff before Xmas, be with all the craziness never made it, and I was still borderline presentable. But in a few more days, peeps may be checking for an Adam’s apple.

3. While I'm downtown, I might as well go to the gym, which I haven't graced the inside of in months.

4. Get on top of the new website thing. Ack!! Yeah, the same new website I was talking about in July. (And now, NOW you will all bow down to my mad procrastination skilz.) Anywho, I'm in countdown mode for the release of Felicity Stripped Bare, so got to get the ball rolling on the site thing this weekend. And give a bit more serious thought to marketing, etc.

5. Gotta do some housework around here. I know I cleaned before Xmas, but since then the living room/ dining room looks like a war zone.

6. But first, 2 hours of straight writing before I tackle anything else.

Check in later.
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raine said...

Oh come on--you know you'll miss the kid, lol.

{{Hugs}} on the crash--ack!--but wtg on the writing!

Katrina Glover said...

Have you tried any of those recovery programs. There's a free one I have used on my flash drive and on my SD card. I was able to recovere deleted and some corrupted files.

My favorite was Pandora Recovery.

Good luck!

Amie Stuart said...

LOL mine are gone until tomorrow!!! I should probably cook something. I'm sure they're tired of turkey adn ham!

vanessa jaye said...

lol. okay, Raine, ya got me. I do miss him a twee bit. But he's coming back in a couple of days, so I'm just enjoying the freedom of controlling the remote and walking around in my undies. ;-D

Kat! Merry Christmas and Happy New Years, babe! Thank you for that link, I'm going to bookmark it for next time. I did manage to rewrite/recreate what I lost, and I'm happy with what I did, so don't really feel the need to retrieve what I lost. But thank you again for delurking and posting! :)

See, you understand my glee of household-sans-teen boy(s), don't you Amie? lol.

Without the human vacuum in residence to help me polish food of, I'm still eating turkey, mash potatoes, rice & peas an apple pie. :-P

vanessa jaye said...

Just to avoid boring folks, thought I'd do my progress report here instead on in a proper post.

I finished chapter 4. Booyah! There's no need for me to go back and edit/re-read any of that until I finish the first draft.

Chapter 5 has 3 good pages of fresh writing downloaded from the Quickpad, and 10 pages that have been cut and pasted in from an earlier version of the book (thank god I'm almost at the end of all this cutting/pasting and revising old crap into new crap. It's much easier to immerse yourself into the story when you're just writing fresh instead of editing mode.

The boy is back Tuesday, so I only have tomorrow to make really good progress on chapter 5. Unfortunately I have to go into the office till 1pm, then run a quick errand before coming home. I was toying with the idea of hitting the gym for a quick 30min cardio workout also. We'll see.

I really really really not only want to finish this freakin book in 2008, but make good headway on another contemporary and work out the next story to follow The Lost.

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