
Friday, April 06, 2007

I could start with the fact that the contractors started to tile the kitchen floor yesterday and the stove/fridge are now in my livingroom and I'm without said 'kitchen' for the week-end. whine,whine,whine,whine....

But I'll stop there. Spilt milk, etc, etc.

Today is ds' b-day. We celebrated yesterday since today is Good Friday and most places are closed. He got some new threads, and an ipod, some dvds and I took him out for his traditional steak dinner.

Too bad the temperature was something like a gazillion degrees below witch's third tit yesterday.

Oh, and Aunt Flo has just settled in.

I'll stop there.
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Katrina Glover said...

It's ranged between 70s and 80s here the last week.

(whistling and running)

Amie Stuart said...

Might I suggest Evening Primrose Oil (and chocolate *g*)

Happy Birthday to the boy!

It's cold here too-they say we might get snow--but I know it's nowhere near as cold as it is there (it was 80 last Saturday!)

vanessa jaye said...

We had snow yesterday! In fact I still had snow on the lawn till late afternoon today. :(

Teh cramps weren't as bad as they usually are this time round, Ames. But thanks for the primose advice and for the b-day wishes for ds. (He turned 19! Where did my baby go!?!?!?)

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