On the Stroll

Monday, January 31, 2005

Delicious JJ Vicious heah. Pimp Gonna break it down for y’all. I’ve got me some fine-ass blogging babes I want you check out. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm.

First off, I went and peeped out what all CeCe was blogging ‘bout this morning. It was all about favorite songs/singers. Check it out.

Then made my leisurely way over to Sela Carsen. She’s going to Reno!! Lots of contacts to be made over in Reno. That’s my girl! But it pains me that I had to put a beating on her, for her to go to the docs. 'Sick' is a four letter word around heah, and in-TI-fears with the flow, if you dig my meaning. I give ‘out’ fear, I don’t take it ‘in’ so I ain’t down wid in-Ti-fear. Word.

Now, Tracey, nice girl, just started in the blogging business, but it’s come to my attention, she’s got an addiction. We’re talking some hardcore sheee-it. Books. I was just nodding my head as I read along.

Then I put the drop on Dreamy Danica. She came up with a kick ass hook for her wip. I was also nodding my head along as she spoke about her heroine not behaving as planned. My Zoë is supposed to have a healthy fear of Odil, (the reclusive, possible axe murderer) . But she just called him an ass hole, after he threatened to remove her finger from her arm if she didn’t take it off his door bell. (she pressed the bell one more time when he said that btw.) I want to take her aside and say, ‘Zoë, there’s supposed to be a gothic undertone heah. You know, heroine feels threatened by mysterious Hero? One of the basic tenets of a gothic? But I’m afraid she’ll just laugh in my face. And then I’d have to bitch-slap her. Don’t like messing up the merchandise, so I’ll leave her be.

And speaking of laughs, go see Linda’s blog from yesterday. Cause her kitchen? Damn. gg . Also gave a looksee over at The Red Pen Diaries. Nice joint. Then laughed my ass off over at Fugging it up.

Finally, I did some lurking over at Jorie’s Nice people, stimulating conversation. I like being stimulated.

Peace Out. Pimp

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Sasha White said...

Absolutely Fabulous Job JJ! Thanks for the rundown! And uh, don't hurt Zoe, I like h's with a bit of fire to them, makes the story interesting. ;)

Amie Stuart said...

*ggg* Girlllllll You crack me up.

Sela Carsen said...

I find it amusing that somehow I, the Miss Priss of enunciation, ended up with the gangsta' para. You are eeeevil!! And I just made a dr's appt, so you can, er, back that thang up? Or does that mean something else? ;-)

Linda Winfree said...

Oh, too funny! And yeah, my kitchen. Damn is right! Can't WAIT to read Zoe and Odil's story.

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