Same Song, extra verse

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Katrina Glover, good friend, sometime crit partner, and my web designer, finished with the updates to the website due to the sale of Hunter of the Heart.

There was a ton of stuff done, nothing that will be immediately apparent to the casual visitor, but Kat probably has new gray hairs for each emailed request for a tweak I sent. *g*

Anywho, an updated (unedited <--editor will appreciate this disclaimer) excerpt is now up. It's more or less the same scene that was up before but the latest version. I posted a section of it in my sale announcement but what's up now is a bit expanded.

One more thing, Kat set up an author page on Facebook for me here:!/pages/Vanessa-Jaye/132606066806993.

I'm still confused about the whole personal facebook page vs author page mostly because from my end they look connected (ie-the status updates on my personal look like they're showing up in the stream of the author page and I don't think that should be happening.) Anywho, Kat says I need at least 25 peeps to 'Like' the author page and then other things will fall into place, so if you follow me on Facebook right now, could you take a moment to 'Like' my author page. And if you don't follow me... what the hell man! (joking!)

So that ends my promo -ish post for today.
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Chaoscat AKa Samantha Storm said...

I did a "Like" for your Author page on facebook ;-)

vanessa jaye said...

Thanks, Cat!

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