Holiday Wishes

Friday, December 25, 2009

It's been a crazy year for me at work; we've been short of staff for most of it, meanwhile the work-load has exploded and the deadlines got shorter.

But this is not a post to whine. I would have never gotten through the year without friends, both in real life and online, plus every once and while I just took time for me and tuned the world out. No guilt.

So here's to all my online friends and those of you who just lurk or drop by from time to time:
Enjoy the day today, fully, with your friends and family. Forget the worries but remeber the love and the laughter. And in the upcoming year do more of the same, including taking time for *you*, guilt-free.

What I'm saying is, I wish you much happiness today and for the whole year through, but just thought I'd make it a little more than a wish and give a couple of tips on some ways to snag a little bit of happiness for yourself.

Health, wealth, love, happiness and a very Merry Christmas to you all!

**edited to clear up the typos, and also to post a link to my free Xmas story from last year, over on Scribe. The Wolf Who Stole Christmas

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raine said...

Merry Christmas, hon!
Enjoy the joy! :)

vanessa jaye said...

Thank, Raine, you know I wish you the same ten-fold. :-)

Sela Carsen said...

Merry Christmas!! And have a wonderful New Year!!

Sasha White said...

Merry Christmas!! And wishes and prayers going out to make 2010 a great year for you.

vanessa jaye said...

Thanks, Sela and Sasha! Hope Xmas rocked for you. Ours was quiet, but that's exactly what I wanted. I think I spent the whole day wearing a little smile of contentment. :-)

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