Looking for an Interracial Romance?

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Saw this one on the shelf at the grocery store (@ 25% off the cover) and grabbed it. I showed it to the boy when I got home after saying: Here's someting you don't see too often on the cover of a romance novel.

He looked, then smirked.

Silhouette Romantic Suspense for February:

Synopsis & Excerpt here at Amazon and here at eharlequin.

Yeah. She's the real deal. Not some caucasian chick with a photo-shopped tan.(I reserved judgement on the hair, though, it's looking a little too blurry from the shoulders down, and her hairline is rocking a Naomi Campbell vibe.)

And just to keep the snark evenhanded, he could maybe ease up on the ICE hair gel a tad.

Hmmm... I wonder what he's thinking?

And what's she looking at?

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Anonymous said...

lol on the hair gel comments!

I remember reading a good Marilyn Pappano SIM, back in the day. I hope this one's good.

raine said...

You are so bad, lol.

He does have a sort of Tom Cruise intensity thing going on, doesn't he?
Still, they make an attractive couple. :)

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