I'm Back!!

Monday, December 29, 2008

Flew in last night (and boy are my arms tired. yukyukyuk). It was a bit of a whirlwind, but every single moment was just fantastic. It was part quality family time--catching up with loads of hugs and exchanging family gossip (I tend to get the sanitized version by email/phone, after the fact), and part touristy stuff. Not only did we do Christmas, we also squeezed in separate celebrations for 2 birthdays. I have to nip out today and buy a card for my mom, I didn't have time to do it while I was there, but her birthday is January 5th, so I have to send it out today!

I brought the mini laptop, but the plug I BOUGHT HERE IN CANADA (AT THE SAME DAMN PLACE I BOUGHT THE COMPUTER) in order to use it in the sockets in England, did not work--as in it didn't fit the canadian adapter side. Arrrrrggggghhh!!! I managed to do some writing late at night once I went up to bed for about 2 nights, and the battery died. But no checking email, etc. My sisters/brothers do have wifi/laptops, but hey, I wasn't going to spend my time with them, glue to the laptop, I do that at home. *g*

I'll have to post some piccies later and catch up with the 200 emails in my inbox-- :-P give me a few days folks, still kinda jetlagged-- plus need to see what's been happening with my favourite bloggers.

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raine said...

Hope you had a great time, hon. :)

Dee Tenorio said...

Glad you're home, J! And especially glad you had a great time!!

Happy sleep catching!

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I missed the goodbye, but welcome back.

Seasons Greetings and all the best in 2009.


azteclady said...

Welcome back! I hope you had a wonderful time.

vanessa jaye said...

Raine, Dee, Dude & Aztec- Thank you! I truly had a fantastic time. Still feeling a bit out of sorts time-wise, but I'm faring better than the kid who has already tottered off to bed at 6:30pm (after waking up at 4:30am). :-P

Katrina Glover said...

Yay, glad you're home safe and sound!

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