Writing catch up.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

I got the blurb edits for Felicity Stripped Bare earlier in the week. This means.... that the *official* blurb is going to be up soon at Samhain! They already have some of the covers, blurbs, and excerpts up for the June release so it's only a matter of time that the July releases are posted.

I also got a change in editor, my original editor has had to pass off most (all) of her authors because of other obligations. Bummer because for the short while we worked together, she was great. But the new person I'm supposed to be working with has a super rep online and her authors love her, so looking forward to working with her (on this book at least, I don't think the change is supposed to be permanent).

On to the current work in progress. Good news and bad news here. I spent a lot of time wrangling with a couple of subplots in Zoe & Odil's story. The more I wrangled the more I found myself plotting scenes around the suspense and doing more and more research in the that subplot. The romance was lost. It wasn't the book I wanted to write, plus it felt like things were getting unduly complicated and the cast of characters unwieldy. I decided to put the wip and work on something else. That other wip came together a bit more quickly. I have the first 4 chapters outlined and broken , down by scene, so far.

Then in the midst of working on that other project I realized I had to strip out a couple of subplots from Zoe and Odil's story, cut several characters, and change some details that I've already written in the first two chapters. Once I did that I was able to write a half decent, if sketchy outline for the book, and I've come up with an vaguish idea for a story for Zoe's twin Zane.

Now to figure out what to work on first. ....
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