Random Writer Stuff

Thursday, February 07, 2008

I'm home today. I twisted my foot yesterday morning trudging through the 9 feet of snow that got dumped on us overnight, so I'm keeping it iced and elevated today; and working on my edits and the wip. The boy has classes ALL DAY, so there's no excuse not to get a lot done.

I'm a tiny bit concerned with the edits because it seems like I'm doing a lot of triming. Not sure if what I'm trimming is *too much first book verbiage*, or if it's just my mood that's making me read stuff as 'blahblahblah', when what I might be cutting away is layers of sexual tension, character motivaton and humour. *sigh*

(I can see some of my lurking writer buddies screaming and tearing their hair out right now, just before sending me an email telling me to stop messing around with the ms--just check for typos and send the damn thing back to the editor. lol.)

For some interesting posts on writing check out:

Margaret Moore on writing heroines.

Tess Gerritsen has a cautionary tale on success. This was sort of interesting because I've been having conversations, or listening in on ones, regarding the burnout rate (or disillusionment) for a number of authors, new and established, for a variety of reasons. Mostly to do with writing schedules/deadlines and feeling boxed-in in terms of what genres/writing options they have. Just seems these little anecdotes are popping up more frequently.

Tracy MacNish on writer's motivation, or lack thereof. And you really must read Laura Kinsale's comments.

**Update- Tess's follow up post on the Payroll Writer.

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the author said...

I never scream. I project my displeasure at a meaningful decibel level. The hair, hmmm. I don't think even I'm allowed to touch my hair with anything but water, shampoo, conditioner, and a soft-bristle brush. But I do lurk around here, and despite claims to the contrary I am a writer, and I consider you a buddy, so:

Stop messing around with the ms. -- just check for typos and send the damn thing back to the editor.

(Okay, Raine, your turn to work on her.)

vanessa jaye said...

LOL! And here I thought I was playing it safe by staying out of my email. lol.

Of course, since I've got a chronic case of the 'fiddles' I couldn't stop tweaking this post, either....

::logging off the internet now to fix typos, and only typos::

::whistling/fingers crossed behind back::

raine said...

(I can see some of my lurking writer buddies screaming and tearing their hair out right now, just before sending me an email telling me to stop messing around with the ms--just check for typos and send the damn thing back to the editor. lol.)

Stop messing around with the ms--just check for typos and send the damn thing back to the editor.

raine said...

E-mail forthcoming.

Anonymous said...

I'm coming out of lurk because you said nine feet of snow.

I'm so tired of shoveling snow I could SCREAM. I think we have twelve feet of snow in our yard, and I wish I was exaggerating.

Amie Stuart said...

Stop messing around with the ms--just check for typos and send the damn thing back to the editor.

Burnout...for the first time in a LONG time I don't feel burnt out.

vanessa jaye said...

You guys are too funny. Oddly enough the 3 people I specifically thought would email me (they rarely post here; maybe once or twice a month, but boy do they let me know their opinions offline) haven't emailed me. Yet. :-P

Jill, I exaggerated a twee bit. Although it feels like 9 ft. But we've had 40 inches of snow which is plenty!!! You, on the other hand, have my total sympathies. I lurk over on your place too. heh. I've seen the pics. Craziness.

vanessa jaye said...

btw, it's a good thing i didn't just fix the typos and ship it back. I'm feeling much better about the nips and tweaks as I move further into the story (the begining is always a b!tch for me). Nevermind the repeated paragraph I found. :-P

Also, I'm now officialy the undisputed Em-Dash Queen. All Hail Em-Dashina Jaye! lol.

Back to editing.

Gennita said...

Stop footsie-ing around too! And move to Florida ;-). Our temp was 77 today--sunny and no humidity. yes, I rub it in.

Amie Stuart said...

I bet I could give you a run for your money on those em-dashes and I'm getting almost as bad as Raine on those...elipeses


*eyes Genn* Florida sounds GOOD

vanessa jaye said...

Gennita. You suck with the firey heat of a thousands suns. 'May humidity be your bedmate.' That's an old Em-dashrina curse. ;)

Amie, I have a good showing of ellipses too....

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