Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and All That Good Stuff
Sunday, December 24, 2017 @ 7:04 PM
I'm cutting a little close here. Meant to post a longer catch up type message, but the most important point is to wish you all an Awesome Christmas and Happy New Year. I'll post the longer note in a week or so. In the meantime, stay safe, enjoy and embrace love. Merry Christmas guys!
Happy New Year!
Sunday, January 01, 2017 @ 2:15 PM

Although, looking at the date stamp of my last post, it was just around the the time our busy season started to really ramp up at work. Plus add in a system glitch that resulted in me not getting document notifications for 2 weeks that I had to play catch up on, a new hire I had to train, and then throw in some ongoing health concerns that required a number of doctor/dentist visits, tests, etc, (ie time off from work that I had to catch back up on) and before you know it, the rest of 2016 was gone.
But it's a new year(!). All my loved ones are whole and hardy. I'm still employed, able to pay my bills-- not small concern here: there were federal government changes to the mortgage industry that caused a number of layoffs. One of our sister companies laid off 6 people 3 wks before Xmas. And a competitor shut down a whole division. 60 people out of work weeks before Xmas. That competitor then outsourced that work to our company, which put an end to a couple of months of lowkey stress/uncertainty for us. :-P I'm also going to be thankful for being in reasonably good heath, just dealing with the aches/pains of not being 20 anymore. ;) The international political landscape has me concerned, and very thankful for living in Canada (although I don't believe for a second we'll be fully insulated from the ensuing ramification of happens in our global village). But aside from that I'm staying positive!
If I have any 'resolutions' they are:
cut down on the sugar. On the whole, while I rarely pass up dessert, I don't have a lot of sugary stuff/snacks on the regular, but when I do have too much sugar, or the wrong type (I'm looking at you fructuous/glucose) I end up feeling crappy. Almost hangover-ish. (Nope. Not diabetic. Not even borderline. So says the results of the multiple blood work I had done last year).
Also want to try to eat more vegetable/vegetarian meals. Partly because I think it'll be healthier, partly because I think large-scale commercial/conglomerate animal husbandry is an environmental concern. (but I'm going to admit to being a bit of hypocrite here because while I'm not a big meat eater, I not willing to forego it completely.
Round off my resolutions list with: exercise more regularly, drink more water, and less coffees, get enough sleep, spend time with friends, be more disciplined about budgets/finances re long-term goals.
Also, read more 'quality' writing. Notice I didn't say 'quality books'. Sometimes a book is really entertaining, or has a premise intriguing enough that you'll slog through to the end to find out what happens. Or it's a mindless fast/quick read and that's all your up for. And sometimes that's all you need. Those books are all perfectly satisfactory for those needs.
Unfortunately, **my** experience has been that *a lot* of my readings in the last couple of years that fall under these categories do not really have strong writing. That's probably why it's much easier to not finish a book or start it and put it down for weeks/months before picking it up again. Or I'll finish that one book, but feel no particular urgency to go and check out the author's backlist/next release.
More importantly, quality/good writing (being totally subjective here!) inspires me -- to write. I've not felt that fire in my belly for a good long while. And I need it because, last item on my resolutions list, or maybe I should say first item, is that I'm going to try yet again to find the right balance for making writing (including this blog) a regular part of my life again.
So, I'll end this rambling first of the year post by hoping everyone out there is keeping safe, healthy and has some modicum of happiness and balance in their lives. :)
Here's to good eating, good reading, good lovin', good friends. Here's to all of you.
A small excerpt
Sunday, May 22, 2016 @ 2:04 PM
pretty much knee deep into the busy season at the day job for the past
month. And it’s only going to get busier June/July/August and start to slow in September/October.
I’m easily doing 10 -12hr days now. So progress
on the wip is still slower than I’d like, but I’m still crawling forward in
Came across
a couple interesting surprises while doing some editing/revising. Authors usually have a general feel for their
characters before they start writing. Sometimes it’s really in depth and you
know all about their childhood, etc., right on down the line to the present. Sometimes it’s just basic bare bones stuff,
like Character A is angry at Character B for this reason. Then after writing
some of the story, you’ll realize that there are actually several reasons A is
angry at B, and it may not be all B’s fault.
Sometimes a character’s dialogue/internal narrative runs away from you
on the page and you learn a bunch of stuff you didn’t know/plan. Or it could be
a single line that makes you think *that’s it! That’s the key to your
character/motivation!* And the character comes alive for you in a way they hadn’t
been before.
So there I
was, cleaning up some of the writing and I came across a couple of throw away lines
for my hero, that made me pause and chuckle and think *this is soo you. Such an
arrogant asshole. lol* But in the end,
lines like the final one below, just help to make him a little more real. .
My hero,
Balthazar, is the dragon-shifter Alpha. In little snippet below he’s having a
polite (coughcough) discussion with the heroine’s father, a powerful wizard. Figured I’d throw in an eye candy pic of
Jason M, because he’s the inspiration for Balthazar.
* * * * *
"I want your promise—”
"You want? Who the f**k are you to make demands of me? You're just the latest Wizard, in a long line of them. All of whom I've outlived. Or killed."
"I'm not demanding. I'm asking for your help."
"I don't like the way you ask. You need practice. Down on your knees."
"I want your promise—”
"You want? Who the f**k are you to make demands of me? You're just the latest Wizard, in a long line of them. All of whom I've outlived. Or killed."
"I'm not demanding. I'm asking for your help."
"I don't like the way you ask. You need practice. Down on your knees."
What's New
Saturday, February 27, 2016 @ 12:49 PM
Not much. Lol.
Okay, not
totally true. I’m still working on the
whole work life balance thing. Particularly establishing certain ways to
function around the day job-- setting boundaries, developing habits, etc—that will
allow me to have time with friends, to pursue interest, keep writing, manage my
health; yanno, have a life!
This week I’ve
been pretty good about writing on the phone (well more like editing a problem
patch of story) on my phone every day during the commute. Not sure if I’ve
gained words or not. I have to download
my notes into the actual manuscript to see.
I’ve also
continued to be good exercise wise. Made it to the gym 2 Saturdays in a row
(will be going today, also, so make that 3 Saturdays) and during the week I’ve
been doing my 10K steps each day. I downloaded the Pacer ap to my phone and I
check several times each day to make sure I hit my target. I walk in the
mornings for at least 20 mins, at lunch, and again after work. Most days I’m
closer to 12K steps (almost 5 miles). So
now I’m thinking if I can walk 5 miles each day, then surely I can do 5 miles
on the elliptical trainer on Saturdays – normally I do around 2 miles in 30
mins. If I stay on for the full hour, I’ll do at least 4 miles.
some other life stuff I’m working on but I won’t bore you with them, let’s talk
a bit more about the writing. Y’all may
have heard by now but my publisher Samhain, is winding down business. Even though I haven’t submitted anything to
them in years, the option was always there. I think they are/were a great
organization to work with and put out quality product.
that leaves me with getting the rights back to Felicity Stripped Bare and
Hunter of the Heart at some point. I think Felicity I can get back without too
much delay, but Hunter hasn’t official hit the date of reversion yet. Honestly, I always knew I was going to ask
for Felicity back, if for no other reason than I’ve never (Nay. Ver. Eh. Ver) loved
the cover art or font/type-set used for the Title and my name. L LLL
But I was waiting until demands of the day job settled down, aaand I wrote Robert’s book (hero’s
best-friend and business partner), then I’ve have the time and energy to launch/market
both books with matching covers, etc.
Now I’ll have to give a little more serious thought about Robert’s book. But
I want to finish the Dragon shift book. Also,
I’m kinda toying with the idea of re-working and expanding Hunter of the Heart
when I get the rights back, so it’s the same world-building as the Dragon book. Lots to think about…
My local
RWA chapter has their March critique meeting in 2 weeks, so today I much find
time to polish up the sci-fi romance I want to bring, and also work on the
Dragon shifter book. I’ll post later
today with an upate. ß see what I just did there? Made myself
publicly accountable. :-P See? Progress.
Monday, February 15, 2016 @ 8:53 PM
4 months
Yup. It’s
been 4 months since my last blog post, and the reason for that is the same as
before: day job.
2015 was a
total write-off shit-show for me. I pretty-much did nothing but work, easily
racking up 14- 16hrs/per day and traipsing into work on most Saturdays to rack
up another 8hrs. I did not experience summer
last year. No patios with friends, no
basking in the sun, barely any time in my own garden. Got into the office at
8:30am and left well after dark at 9:30-10:30pm.
This post
isn’t about looking for sympathy, just emphasizing why I haven’t been posting
here and got precious little writing done in the last year. Being stressed out/over-worked really puts
the big suck on all your creative juices.
But I’m
determined, as much as it is within my powers, not to have this year be like
last year. My job is going to always be
crazy busy – hopefully not like last year—so I know I have to have a plan on
how to do my job while having some sort of life. I want to see friends, go to the movies or out
for dinner, read, write, see Shakespeare in the park, go biking, etc.
I’ve been
striving to have a work life balance, but in the last month something just *clicked*
in place for me on a couple of fronts. I just hit a tipping point, where I
wanted one thing more than something else.
instance, I wanted to save money more than I wanted to sleep-in in the mornings
(I also have issues with insomnia). I
was easily spending $150 - $180 per month on buying just breakfast/coffee! (never mind lunches/dinners). Now I make a
point of getting up in time to make/eat breakfast, have coffee and pack a lunch
before leaving the house. No matter how
much I want to sleep for just 5 more minutes, I haul ass out of bed to get
those things done.
I used to
veg most of the day on Saturdays (if I didn’t go into the office). I needed
that time to de-stress, before I used up the rest of the weekend doing the
whole cook, laundry, grocery shopping thing.
But you
know what also helps with stress, besides vegetating? Exercise. Something I was
getting less and less of. I’ve been dealing with a stubborn cold/bug for the
past month or so, so that’s probably part of the reason I’m getting easily
winded lately, but without a doubt I’m getting more and more out of shape, and
not getting younger. This week-end, I figured, screw it. If I’m going to veg on the sofa for hours on
a Saturday, I can damn well spend those same hours at the gym. *click*(plus,
there’s a sauna at the gym *clickclickclickityclickclick*)
And on the writing
front something *clicked* there too. That click happened because the annual
critique circle my local RWA chapter holds every March. I brought pages of my
dragon-shifter book last March for critiquing, with every intention of
finishing the book last year. Obviously
that didn’t happen...
A whole
freakin’ year went by and, I hate to admit it, I barely finished a chapter’s
worth of writing. #shamed.
I couldn’t
let another year go by without completing a manuscript. One thing that sort of
worked for me in the past was writing on my phone during the rush hour commute
into work, but more and more I just found myself too darn tired most mornings
to think, much less write, and kinda gave up.
For the
last week, though, I’ve been pushing myself.
All I had to do was write 1 sentence, that’s the bargain I’ve made with
myself. At the very least, it would be 1 sentence more than I had the day
before. Most mornings I do more than the
1 sentence, tho… J
And if I’m
writing more regularly, then it stands to reason that I can post here more
often too, just to keep myself accountable, right? *click* J
Long time no update....
Tuesday, October 13, 2015 @ 2:54 PM
So, uhm... yeah.... I'm so bad at this. Well, not bad, just kinda don't have the time; or I've been too tired to make the time for blog updates. Same excuse I've had all year...
Part of me says I shut this blog down but I don't wanna. I love my blog, no matter how neglectful I've been posting updates.
Part of the issue is.... there's nothing to update. The day job has been bonkers this year -- 80% above target -- and I've easily been working 10 to 14hrs days, many weeks 6 days/week -- so there's really not been that much time to write...
yeah, yeah, yeah, you've heard this all before, but it's the truth.
Anywho, things have slowed some this last month and *hopefully* will remain at a slower pace for the next few months, so *hopefully* some writing will get done. Also I have this week off (which I desperately needed because I was/am perilously close to burn-out) so I *plan* to get some writing done!
In the long-term, instead of letting the blog go dormant when things get too busy at work, I think I might resort to something I used to do in the early days of this blog and talk books/writing craft. Nothing official! Given my work schedule/ work load, I don't want to be obligated to read/review anything. If I read an awesome book or see a really great movie/TV show, I'll write about what aspects I found so well done. And if I read something disappointing or problematic I'll also talk about it here also, but in general terms -- not naming names/titles, etc.
On the writing front, I'm still poking at my dragon shifter book. I've been mulling over the heroine's motivations. At first she was mostly powered by revenge/guilt, but that feels a little too easy. I'd rather peel back a few layers to get to the anger/guilt before getting her to move beyond that. Also, I have the fae in book. But it's my concept of the fae,-- which is admitted a bit fuzzy on what is the accepted cannon of fairies because I haven't read a lot of books with fae (or dragons for that matter), so there's a little voice in the back of my head saying I should bone-up on this, that my world-building will be all the richer for using and interweaving the *accepted* tenets of /dragons, and yet, I just want to do my own world-building. *shrug*
Aside from the dragon book, I've been meaning to do the short-story follow up to The Werewolf Who Stole Christmas with Jack Frost as the hero. It's kinda cutting it too close to get it out for this Xmas season, considering the book isn't even written but I may take a stab or 2 at it.
That's all I got for now.
Part of me says I shut this blog down but I don't wanna. I love my blog, no matter how neglectful I've been posting updates.
Part of the issue is.... there's nothing to update. The day job has been bonkers this year -- 80% above target -- and I've easily been working 10 to 14hrs days, many weeks 6 days/week -- so there's really not been that much time to write...
yeah, yeah, yeah, you've heard this all before, but it's the truth.
Anywho, things have slowed some this last month and *hopefully* will remain at a slower pace for the next few months, so *hopefully* some writing will get done. Also I have this week off (which I desperately needed because I was/am perilously close to burn-out) so I *plan* to get some writing done!
In the long-term, instead of letting the blog go dormant when things get too busy at work, I think I might resort to something I used to do in the early days of this blog and talk books/writing craft. Nothing official! Given my work schedule/ work load, I don't want to be obligated to read/review anything. If I read an awesome book or see a really great movie/TV show, I'll write about what aspects I found so well done. And if I read something disappointing or problematic I'll also talk about it here also, but in general terms -- not naming names/titles, etc.
On the writing front, I'm still poking at my dragon shifter book. I've been mulling over the heroine's motivations. At first she was mostly powered by revenge/guilt, but that feels a little too easy. I'd rather peel back a few layers to get to the anger/guilt before getting her to move beyond that. Also, I have the fae in book. But it's my concept of the fae,-- which is admitted a bit fuzzy on what is the accepted cannon of fairies because I haven't read a lot of books with fae (or dragons for that matter), so there's a little voice in the back of my head saying I should bone-up on this, that my world-building will be all the richer for using and interweaving the *accepted* tenets of /dragons, and yet, I just want to do my own world-building. *shrug*
Aside from the dragon book, I've been meaning to do the short-story follow up to The Werewolf Who Stole Christmas with Jack Frost as the hero. It's kinda cutting it too close to get it out for this Xmas season, considering the book isn't even written but I may take a stab or 2 at it.
That's all I got for now.
More Progress
Thursday, January 08, 2015 @ 10:27 AM

I've started getting off the train 1 subway stop sooner and
walking the rest of the way to work via the underground PATH, then taking a
mid-day break for a 30min walk through **PATH. Started doing that because I had
to figure out a way to squeeze some regular exercise into my day and take a
mental break from work demands. But
figured the extra steady exercise was probably helping me sleep better also. as
a side benefit.
While my current job is pretty flexible about start times--
they know we're all adults, hardworking, and can/will manage our work
responsibly. (Unlike my old work/department that treated people like children
and wanted you to arrive 15mins early so you could use the bathroom, grab a
coffee and be at your desk ready to start promptly at 9am!) -- I still hate to
show up late simply because I slept in.
But something good came out of sleeping in, I was thrown off
my regular routine enough that I did something new--I used the Note app on my
phone to do some writing on the book. Didn't write tonnes, probably not much
more than a couple of paragraphs, but going to start doing that from now on.
It'll also encourage me to email the notes to myself in the evenings to add to
the manuscript, so that'll give me the nudge to open the word file and do some
writing when I get home, no matter how
stress my day has been and tired I am.
:) For example, I haven’t opened my
manuscript all week because I’ve been training a newbie and covering quite a
bit for my underwriter who’s on vacation. I’m a shameless when it comes to
tweaking/fiddling/revising what I’ve already written, so I know once I copy and
paste the words from the cell phone notes into the document, I’ll end up doing
work on the manuscript in the evenings. Voila! Problem solved.
I didn’t make New Year’s Resolutions, but I did have certain
goals in mind for this year and so far I’m hitting a number of them: figure out
how to incorporate regular/consistent exercise into my daily routine,, figure
out how to manage my insomnia better and get more sleep, figure how to write
consistently (and finish a manuscript this year), post more on my blog and FB
author page. So far, so not too bad. J
(By the way, the PATH
is 30 kilometers of underground shops, restaurants, subway stops, hotel access,
City Hall, etc. that runs through Toronto's downtown financial district)
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